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Virgo lies in the sixth position out of all the 12 zodiac signs. It lies on August 22 to September 23.

This sign always has an effect on all the signs because the sign will surely appear on your chart and thus, the energy of this sign will surely affect yours whether directly or indirectly.

  • Sun Symbol: The Virgin
  • Element: Earth
  • On a Good Day:They are helpful, hardworking, dedicated, concentrated, practical, clever.
  • On a Bad Day: They are edifying, serious, destructive
  • Their Favorite Things:Childhood friends, night concerts, taking long soothing showers, soaps, reading magazines.
  • What They Hate: Inactive people, chillies, going away from home and toothpaste which is squeezed from the top instead of the bottom.
  • Secret Wish: To be the hero.
  • What is a Virgo like: They are well known for their babyish facial features and those which are always observing a particular situation.

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Our astrologer has a great hold over checking the stars of a person through chats or emails, Palmistry, providing beneficial solutions which help a person to lead a more successful professional life or love life, and even help of person to create a happy family. With this, we fulfill your requirements in any other astrology knowledge possible.